運動健康英文作文怎么寫 《運動與健康》為題的英語作文80詞帶翻譯 急急急

賽車巔峰2022-07-28 11:09:503406

關于運動有助于我們的身體健康的英語作文!?。Хg??!急!速度,《運動與健康》為題的英語作文80詞帶翻譯 急急急,用英語寫關于鍛煉的作文,運動和健康Sports And Health 英語作文。



Sport is good with our body, if you play sports everday, you can get many good things. For example: you can eat some health food, becaues,if you play sports more, you must need food,then, your body can be heathy more!heathy is good with body, and the sport is good with body too!



《運動與健康》為題的英語作文80詞帶翻譯 急急急

Healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life. To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. All over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy.In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together. However,sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied. I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer.

健康的身體對于健康的頭腦是必要的。眾所周知,要有健全的頭腦,就應有健全的身體。這是至關重要的。我們只有保持身體健康,才能在學習和工作中精力充沛,生活愉快。 為了保持健康,體育鍛煉是最好的方法。世界上有許多的人參加不同種類的體育運動。體育運動可能是幾乎所有的人都可享受的最大眾化的娛樂形式。參加戶外運動,我們能更接近大自然并能吸收新鮮空氣。自然界的美使我們頭腦清醒,這對健康是極其必要的。另外,體育運動能增強我們的體質,防止發(fā)胖,保持身體健康。他們還在使眼睛、頭腦和肌肉協(xié)同動作方面提供寶貴的鍛煉機會。同時,運動促進血液循環(huán),有助于排泄體內廢物。運動還可以引起食欲,促進消化。這樣我們就能身強力壯。 我總是積極參加體育鍛煉,身體很好。我很少生病,即使工作一整天也感到精力旺盛。我要堅持體育鍛煉,爭取長壽。


Exercise is something common but significant. Although nearly everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize today.


In the first place, exercise is significant to health. It goes without saying that the importance of heath to people. There is a Chinese saying,” Health is the source of revolution.” And the most important way to keep health is to do exercise. Exercise is the best and directly way to keep health. When you are doing exercise, your whole body can get moved, which will make you become heathy.


Secondly, exercise helps you to save money. As what I said above, if we do not does exercise often, we may in a bad health. Thus, we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor. It is well-known that the medical industry is very expensive. It may cost your one’s month salary for going to the hospital once.


Last, exercise will make you become more and more beautiful or handsome. As you exercise your body, your body will get fit, which will make you look better.


There are others benefits to do exercise; I just do not list here. Move, try yourself to do some exercise, do not always sitting on the chair.


運動和健康Sports And Health 英語作文

I like sports, because doing sports is really a good thing. Firstly, it helps me keep healthy. Exercise is one of the most active and effective means to enhance the physical health. Secondly, doing sports is a good way to relax. When you are upset, sport may pull you out from depression. Finally, it s easier to make friends while take part in sport activities, because you have the same interest. It s important for making friends. All in all, I get a lot from sports.





標簽: 英語

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