區(qū)別的英文怎么寫作文 高中生活和大學(xué)生活的區(qū)別英語作文怎么寫?

擺渡人生2022-08-05 15:08:431899




Very Different

My friend Jack and I are very different. He is tall and thin. I am short and a little heavy. Jack has brown eyes and dark hair. I have blue eyes and blond hair. Jack is shy, he likes to read and he often stays at home and watches TV. I am outgoing, I go to parties, I play sports. As you can see Jack and I are very differet but we are good friends.


Written forms of British and American English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers, for example). This kind of formal English, particularly written English, is often called "standard English".

British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. For instance the English-speaking members of the Commonwealth often closely follow British English forms while many new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States. Although most dialects of English used in the former British Empire outside of North America are, to various extents, based on British English, most of the countries concerned have developed their own unique dialects, particularly with respect to pronunciation, idioms and vocabulary. Chief among other English dialects are Canadian English, based on the English of United Empire Loyalists who left the 13 Colonies,and Australian English, which rank third and fourth in number of native speakers.




An Amusement park or theme park is a group of entertainment attractions, rides, and other events in a location for the enjoyment of large numbers of people.

An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground, usually providing attractions meant to cater specifically to certain age groups, as well as some that are aimed towards all ages.

Theme parks, a specific type of amusement park, are usually much more intricately themed to a certain subject or group of subjects than normal amusement parks.

A theme park has landscaping, buildings, and attractions that are based on one or more specific themes or stories.

Disneyland, located in Anaheim, California, built around the concept of encapsulating multiple theme parks into a single amusement park is often mistakenly cited as the first themed amusement park, but is instead the park that made the idea popular.

A park is an area of open space provided for recreational use, usually owned and maintained by a local government. Parks commonly resemble savannas or open woodlands, the types of landscape that human beings find most relaxing.

It can be in its natural or semi-natural state, or planted, and is set aside for human enjoyment or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats.

It may consist of rocks, soil, water, flora and fauna and grass areas, but may also contain buildings and other artefacts such as play grounds.

Grass is typically kept short to discourage insect pests and to allow for the enjoyment of picnics and sporting activities. Trees are chosen for their beauty and to provide shade.Many natural parks are protected by law.













高中生活比較restricted,大學(xué)生活需要自律,self awareness




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