2202英語怎么說 有人有會(huì)計(jì)科目名稱的英文翻譯嗎?

無可挑剔的溫柔2022-08-20 07:07:042468




11,100 first aisle general area

2 1101男更衣 21,101 men and changing

3 1102女更衣 31,102 female changing

4 1103穿衣間 Between 41,103 dress

5 1104穿衣間 Between 51,104 dress

6 1105女換鞋 61,105 women shoes

7 1106男換鞋 71,106 men and shoes

8 1107女衛(wèi)生間 81,107 female toilet

9 1108男衛(wèi)生間 91,108 men and bathroom

10 1109辦公室 Office 10 1109

11 1110會(huì)議室 Conference Room 11 1110

12 1111化驗(yàn)室 121,111 laboratory

13 1112儀器室 Instrument Room 13 1112

14 1113儲(chǔ)藏室 141,113 storage room

15 1114排氣室 The exhaust chamber 15 1114

16 1115工藝介質(zhì) 16 1115 Technology Media

17 1116閥門室 Room 17 1116 valve

18 1117消防監(jiān)控 18 1117 Fire Monitoring

19 1118周轉(zhuǎn)區(qū) 191,118 Working Capital District

20 1119安全門斗 201,119 security doors Doo

21 1120酒精存放區(qū) 211,120 alcohol store

22 1121制水間 221,121 between water

23 1122冷凍機(jī)房 231,122 frozen room

24 1123值班室 241,123 office

25 1124空調(diào)機(jī)房 251,124 air-conditioned room

26 1125傳遞間 Between 261,125 transfer

27 1126更鞋間 Between 271,126 more shoes

28 1127洗衣間 281,127 laundry

29 1128清潔間 Between 291,128 clean

30 1129外清間 301,129 outside the inter-ching

31 1130傳遞間 Inter-transfer 31 1130

32 1131更鞋間 Between 321,131 more shoes

33 1132外包間 331,132 between outsourcing

34 1133清潔間 Between 341,133 clean

35 1134標(biāo)簽庫 351,134 tag library

36 1135包材存放間 361,135 packets between the storage timber

37 1200一樓潔凈區(qū)過道 The first floor area 371,200 clean aisle

38 1201男一更 381,201 men and a more

39 1202女一更 391,202 women and a more

40 1203男一更 401,203 men and a more

41 1204女一更 411,204 women and a more

42 1205手消毒 Hand disinfection 421,205

43 1206傳遞間 Inter-transfer 43 1206

44 1207暫存 441,207 temporary

45 1208緩沖 Buffer 451,208

46 1209升降機(jī) 461,209 lift

47 1210內(nèi)包材暫存 471,210 temporary storage timber within the package

48 1211緩沖 Buffer 481,211

49 1212鋁塑包裝線 491,212 aluminum packaging line

50 1213預(yù)留 501,213 set aside

51 1214數(shù)粒線 511,214 the number of mitochondrial

52 1215預(yù)留 521,215 set aside

53 1216模具間 Inter-mold 53 1216

54 1217器具晾干間 Between 541,217 to dry apparatus

55 1218器具清洗間 Between 551,218 cleaning apparatus

56 1219中間站 Intermediate station 56 1219

57 1220清潔間 Between 571,220 clean

58 1221檢驗(yàn)間 Inter-test 581,221

59 1222一更 59 1222 a more

60 1223二更 2 60 1223 more

61 1224手消毒 Hand disinfection 611,224

62 1225洗衣房 Laundry 62 1225

63 2100二樓一般區(qū)過道 63 2100 general area on the second floor corridor

64 2101管井 642,101 tube-wells

65 2102管井 652,102 tube-wells

66 2103管井 662,103 tube-wells

67 2104管井 672,104 tube-wells

68 2105管井 682,105 tube-wells

69 2106管井 692,106 tube-wells

70 2107管井 702,107 tube-wells

71 2108維修間 Maintenance of inter-71 2108

72 2109清潔間 Between 722,109 clean

73 2110配電房 73 2110 Housing Distribution

74 2111空調(diào)間 Between air-conditioned 74 2111

75 2112儲(chǔ)藏室 Storage room 75 2112

76 2113電梯前室 762,113 elevator room

77 2115輔機(jī)房 772,115 Auxiliary Housing

78 2116安全門斗 782,116 security doors Doo

79 2117安全門斗 792,117 security doors Doo

80 2118輔機(jī)房 802,118 Auxiliary Housing

81 2119預(yù)留 812,119 set aside

82 2120輔機(jī)房 822,120 Auxiliary Housing

83 2121備品備件 832,121 spare parts

84 2122傳遞間 Inter-transfer 84 2122

85 2123更鞋間 Between 852,123 more shoes

86 2124輔機(jī)房 862,124 Auxiliary Housing

87 2125輔機(jī)房 872,125 Auxiliary Housing

88 2126輔機(jī)房 882,126 Auxiliary Housing

89 2127除塵間 892,127 between dust

90 2128外清間 902,128 outside the inter-ching

91 2200二樓潔凈區(qū)過道 912,200 clean area on the second floor corridor

92 2201男一更 922,201 men and a more

93 2202女一更 932,202 women and a more

94 2203男二更 942,203 men and two more

95 2204女二更 F b 95 2204 more

96 2205手消毒 Hand disinfection 962,205

97 2206器具清洗間 Between 972,206 cleaning apparatus

98 2207輔機(jī)房 982,207 Auxiliary Housing

99 2208器具晾干間 Between 992,208 to dry apparatus

100 2209傳遞間 Transmission between 100 2209

101 2210暫存 Temporary 1,012,210

102 2211緩沖間 Between the buffer 102 2211

103 2212升降機(jī) Lift 103 2212

104 2213包衣前室 Room 104 2213 before coating

105 2214包衣間 Inter-coated 105 2214

106 2215預(yù)留 Set aside 106 2215

107 2216包衣機(jī)房 Coating room 107 2216

108 2217預(yù)留 Set aside 108 2217

109 2218配液間 Allocation of fluid inter-109 2218

110 2219安全門斗 Doo-door 110 2219

111 2220安全門斗 Doo-door 111 2220

112 2221安全門斗 Doo-door 112 2221

113 2222制粒間 Between granulation 1,132,222

114 2222制粒間 Between granulation 1,142,222

115 2223預(yù)留 Set aside 115 2223

116 2224制漿間 116 2224 between the Pulp

117 2225制漿間 117 2225 between the Pulp

118 2226箱式干燥區(qū) 118 2226 box-type drying area

119 2227箱式干燥區(qū) 119 2227 box-type drying area

120 2228粉篩前室 1,202,228 Ethmoidal powder room

121 2229粉篩間 Between sieve powder 121 2229

122 2230粉篩間 Between sieve powder 122 2230

123 2231粉篩清潔間 1,232,231 Inter-cleaning powder sieve

124 2232稱量前暫存間 Weighing 124 2232 between the former temporary

125 2233稱量間 Weighing between 125 2233

126 2234稱量后暫存間 Weighing 126 2234 after the temporary inter -

127 2235緩沖 Buffer 127 2235

128 2236壓片前室 128 2236 pre-compression chamber

129 2237壓片間 129 2237 between compression

130 2238預(yù)留 Set aside 130 2238

131 2239預(yù)留 Set aside 131 2239

132 2240模具間 Inter-mold 132 2240

133 2241膠囊前室 Anterior capsule 133 2241

134 2242膠囊填充間 1,342,242 Inter-filled capsules

135 2243膠囊填充間 1,352,243 Inter-filled capsules

136 2244模具間 Inter-mold 136 2244

137 2245膠囊殼暫存 Temporary shell capsules 137 2245

138 2246檢驗(yàn)間 Inter-test 138 2246

139 2247膠囊燈檢 Inspection lamp capsule 139 2247

140 2248膠囊燈檢 Inspection lamp capsule 140 2248

141 2249中間站 Intermediate station 141 2249

142 2250終混間 142 2250 between the end of mixing

144 2251清潔間 Inter-Clean 144 2251

145 電梯 145 Elevator

146 更鞋間 146 more inter-shoes

147 監(jiān)控室 147 control room



您被CHRTRS推薦給我們。SUBJ 船舶的負(fù)責(zé)人非常樂于讓你擔(dān)任我們張家港的商業(yè)代表。SUBJ船舶將在5月26覅停留在貴港,裝卸25500MT的鐵礦石。請(qǐng)確認(rèn)首席營(yíng)銷官員的指定回復(fù)“中鋼集團(tuán)貿(mào)易有限公司”。非常感謝







Ode to joy Andy at the gate of the Qiu Yingying said that the first set


數(shù)字讀成: two thousand two hundred and two.

電話號(hào)碼可讀成:two two o /?u/ two.







標(biāo)簽: 英語

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