整理重點(diǎn)短語英語怎么說 給我全部翻譯下來,并且整理出重點(diǎn)短語

等我忘2022-11-06 14:04:291265

重點(diǎn)短語 用英語怎么說?重點(diǎn)詞組用英語怎么說?給我全部翻譯下來,并且整理出重點(diǎn)短語,“整理筆記”用英語怎么說?"重點(diǎn)短語"的英文怎么說?尋遍,整理的英語詞組。


重點(diǎn)短語 用英語怎么說?

key phrases


Key phrases

重點(diǎn)詞組(Key Phrases): 與比較級(jí)連用。 been doing sth






on the island固定搭配,表示:在。。。島上

cut down 砍樹;削減;殺死;刪節(jié)

give up 放棄;支出

go out with 帶著。。。出門

see somebody doing sth.看見某人正干某事

try to盡力做;但這里應(yīng)該做“試圖”

one...the other...一個(gè),。。另一個(gè)。。。


teach somebody sth.教某人某物

live with同。。。居住

run towards沿著。。。跑

記住這些就可以了,其他的就是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)了-have done sth.




英文:collate the notes





英 [k??le?t]; ;美 [k??let]



英 [n??t]; ;美 [no?t]





1、note的基本意思是“筆記,摘記”,指用來記錄平時(shí)一些需要記住的事情的短小記錄; 也可指為了通知某人某事而寫下的“短小信箋”。“記筆記”可以說make a;note;(of),也可說take;notes (of),后者更常見。


3、note還可作“紙幣”解, in;notes指“以紙幣的形式”,介詞in不可用其他介詞代替,且notes須用復(fù)數(shù)形式。note后??山咏樵~短語、動(dòng)詞不定式或分詞短語作定語。

4、take a;note;of是“做筆記”的意思,但如果變成take;note;of時(shí)則變成了“注意”。


Key phrases



Unit 1 Great scientists

I. Phrases

1. put forward 提出

2. draw a conclusion 得出結(jié)論

3. be/get under control 在……控制下

be/get out of control失去控制,不能操縱

4. be absorbed in 專心

5. be to blame 應(yīng)該受責(zé)備(用主動(dòng)形式表示被動(dòng))

blame sb. for sth. 因某事責(zé)備某人

6. in addition 也,另外,此外

7. link...to... 將…和…連接或聯(lián)系起來

8. die of 因…而死亡(內(nèi)因)

die from 因…而死亡(外因)

9. lead to 導(dǎo)致,通向

10. make sense 有意義,說得通

11. apart from 除…之外,此外

12. contribute to 為…作貢獻(xiàn)或捐款,導(dǎo)致,有助于

13. be enthusiastic about 對(duì)…熱情

14. be curious about 對(duì)…好奇

15. cure sb. of illness 治好某人…病

16. point of view 態(tài)度,觀點(diǎn),看法

17.(be)strict with sb. 對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格

II. Sentences

1. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London – so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.


2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.


3. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.


4. He knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found.


5. He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.


6. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.


7. He believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct.


8. It seemed that the water was to blame.


9. Immediately John Snow told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.


10. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.


11. But only his new theory could do that.


12. Yet Copernicus’ theory is now the base on which all our ideas of the universe are built.


Unit 2 The United Kingdom

I. Phrases

1. consist of 由……組成

2. divide…into… 把……分成

3. at war (with…) (與……)交戰(zhàn)中

4. break away ( from… ) 掙托(束縛);脫離

5. educational / legal system 教育 / 立法制度

6. have a good / bad influence on … 對(duì)……有好/ 壞影響

7. take the place of 代替

8. break down (機(jī)器)破壞,損壞;(人)身體出毛?。唬ㄓ?jì)劃等)受挫,失敗

9. make an error 出錯(cuò)

10. leave out 省去;遺漏;不考慮

11. puzzle over / about 為…煩惱,困擾

12. debate sth. with sb. 與某人討論、爭(zhēng)辯

13. at your convenience 在你方便的時(shí)候

14. in / with relation to (介)關(guān)于……;和……相關(guān)

15. under construction 在建設(shè)中

II. Sentences:

1. There is no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries.


2. To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.


3. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile.


4. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London .


5. It looked splendid when first built.


6. What interested her most was the longitude line.


7. Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you.


Unit 3 Life in the Future

I. Phrases

1. make a deep/strong impression on sb. 給某人留下深刻印象

impress sb. with sth.= impress sth. on sb.使人記住某事

2. take up 拿起/占用/接受/開始/從事/繼續(xù)/選修

speed up 加速

sweep up 打掃 / 橫掃 /掠過

use up 用光

come up 過來

eat up 吃光

sit up 熬夜 / 坐正

turn up 出現(xiàn) / 開大(音/水量)

3. remind sb. of sth. 使某人回想起某事 /提醒某人某事

remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事

remind sb. that … 提醒某人……

4. as a result (of…) 結(jié)果

5. suffer from 遭受

6. be similar to 和…相似

7. keep doing sth. 一直做某事

8. the six of us 我們六人(共六人)

9. by/ for /through +( the / a ) lack of… 由于……的缺乏

be lacking in 缺乏(品質(zhì) /特點(diǎn))

lack for …(否定句) 缺乏……

10. in no time 很快,立刻

11. on one’s feet (從病痛或挫折中)復(fù)原

12. in all directions 四面八方

13. Sb. lose / catch sight of …. 看不見 / 看見

Sb. / Sth. be in / out of sight 看得見 / 看不見

at first sight 第一眼

at the sight of… 一看見……就……

14. provided A with B 向A提供B

15. plenty of + [u] / [c] 許多

16. be previous to … 早于……

17. compare A with B

compare A to B 把A與B作比較,把A比喻作B

18. for health reasons 出于健康原因

19. bend the rules 變通,放寬

20. on earth 究竟,到底

21. be under repair 在維修中

22. search for … 尋找 II. Sentences:

1. Think about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years .


2. What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?


3.The air seemed thin as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.


4. Why not sit down and rest? = Why don’t you sit down and rest?


5. What three visits would you ask to go on if you were Li Qiang ?


6. Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to . 這兩種生物都不容易與之交談。

7. The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can’t tell which is which.


8. Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land.


Unit 4 Making the News

I. Phrases

1. be curious about 對(duì)……感到好奇

2.be to do 必將 / 將要 / 應(yīng)該

3.go out on a story 外出采訪

4. on one’s own 獨(dú)自,*自己

of one’s own 自己的……

5. concentrate on 集中精力于……

6. be of interest = be interesting 有趣的

7. bring …with … 隨身攜帶

8. have a nose for… 對(duì)……非常敏感

9. depend on 依賴

10. a trick of the trade 職業(yè)訣竅

11. accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb. with sth. 指控某人做某事

12. so as to do sth.(句中) 為了……

13. be supposed to have done 理應(yīng)當(dāng) / 被認(rèn)為做過某事

14. look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望做某事

15. be eager to do sth. /for sth. 渴望做……/……

16. get the wrong end of the stick 完全搞錯(cuò)了

17. tell the whole truth 說出全部真相

18. ahead of 在……前頭

19. set (out)to do/ set about doing 著手做某事

20. pass… on to… 把……傳遞給……

21. make an appointment with sb. 與某人約會(huì),預(yù)約

22. polish the style 潤(rùn)色語言風(fēng)格

23. be / get absorbed in 專心于,集中精力于

24. in turn 依次,逐個(gè)地

25. defend…against… 為某人辯護(hù)

26. note down 記下

27.cover sth. / interview sb.報(bào)道某事 / 采訪某人

28. do some research on… 對(duì)……做調(diào)查

29. work on 從事

30. last of all 最后

31. on purpose / by accident 故意地 / 偶然,意外地

32. arrange an interview (with sb. )安排采訪

33. stick to 堅(jiān)持

34. A rather than B A而不是B

35. account for 解釋

36. through sb.’s analysis 通過某人的分析

II. Sentences:

1. (倒裝)Never will ZY forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.


2.(倒裝)Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.

3. ( There’s ) No need for a camera ! 沒必要帶相機(jī)。

4.(倒裝)Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university, so it’s actually of special interest to me.


5.This is how the story goes. 事情是這樣的。

6.Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?


Unit 5 First aid


1. give / offer / do first aid to sb

perform / carry out first aid on sb. 對(duì)某人實(shí)施急救

2. fall ill 生病

3. get injured / infected / burned 受傷 / 感染 / 燒傷

4. save one’s life 挽救某人的生命

5. sense of touch 觸覺

6. electric shock 觸電;電休克

7. take off 脫下;(飛機(jī))起飛

8. squeeze out 榨出;擠出

9. over and over again 反復(fù);多次

10. in place 在適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢?;適當(dāng)

11. put one’s hands on 找到

12. present sb. with sth.

present sth. to sb. 贈(zèng)予/ 給予某人某物

13. a piece of jewellery 一件珠寶

14. cause / do damage to…. 使……受到危害/ 損害

15. a number of +n. (pl. ) 若干;許多

16. stick sth. to… 貼在…….上

17. make a difference 區(qū)別

II. Sentences:

1. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns depending on which layers of the skins are burnt.


2. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.


3. She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily


4. There is no doubt that Jon’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life.


5. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference .


6. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.


23. assist sb. in /with sth.

= assist sb. in doing sth.

= assist sb. to do sth. 幫忙,協(xié)助某人去做某事

24. go soft 變軟

25. speak in whisper 低聲地說

26. be optimistic about … 對(duì)……樂觀

27. switch on / off the power 開 /關(guān)電源

28.explain to sb. sth.= explain sth. to sb. 向某人解釋某事

29. give off 發(fā)出(光/熱等)

30. get / be caught in … 被困在……中

31. require sb. to do sth.

=require that sb. (should ) do sth.要求某人做某事

Sth. require doing / to be done 某物需要被

32. be supposed to do 應(yīng)該

33. be equipped with … 裝備有……

34. be essential for / to … 對(duì)……是必要的




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